Immigrant Neighbors Community
of Berwyn Heights, MD
Immigrant Community Group announces dissolution due to loss of confidence on the Town of Berwyn Heights Governance
Grupo de inmigrantes anuncia su disolución debido a pérdida de confianza en el gobierno del municipio Berwyn Heights, MD.
Letter presented on record at Town Council Meeting (08/09/2023) detailing INCbh specific contributions and reasons for loss of confidence on the Town of Berwyn Heights Government and its impending dissolution as town assembly.
INCbh was established April 13, 2022 and approved as an assembly by town council. We are a community group of immigrant neighbors reflecting the rich diversity of Berwyn Heights. We seek to create an active community to expand the well-being of our families, among our languages, and ethnic cultures. We do this thru the meaningful participation of ethnically and racially diverse residents, who now make up the majority population in Berwyn Heights.
INCbh se estableció el 23 de abril, 2022, y fue aprobado como una asamblea por el concejo del municipio. Somos un grupo comunitario de vecinos inmigrantes que refleja la diversidad de nuestro barrio. Nuestro deseo es crear una comunidad activa de vecinos y familias inmigrantes. Creando una participación significativa de los residentes etnoracialmente diversos, que conformamos la población mayoritaria en Berwyn Heights.
tiếng việt
INCbh được thành lập vào ngày 23 tháng 2022 năm XNUMX và được hội đồng đô thị phê duyệt như một hội đồng. Chúng tôi là một nhóm cộng đồng gồm những người hàng xóm nhập cư phản ánh sự đa dạng của khu phố của chúng tôi. Mong muốn của chúng tôi là tạo ra một cộng đồng tích cực gồm hàng xóm và gia đình nhập cư. Tạo ra sự tham gia có ý nghĩa của những cư dân đa dạng về chủng tộc, những người chiếm đa số dân số ở Berwyn Heights.
Since our inception, an accomplishment on its own, we advocated for fairness (equity) in policy making and town council decisions. Despite some serious negligence on behalf of the town administration, INCbh has had several wins through advocacy for all town residents. Our wins in the past 4 months include:
Prepared the first ever Diversity Report for Berwyn Heights – 2022
Spearheaded ARPA funding community-led oversight
Secured development of community needs assessment project through partnership with UMD school of public health
Advocated for resident storm water flooding assistance through ARPA funds
Conducted fundraiser for most impacted families by august flash floods
Desde nuestro corto inicio, un logro de por sí, hemos estado abogando por la justicia (equidad) en la formulación de pólizas y decisiones del ayuntamiento. A pesar de algunas negligencias graves de la presente administradora del municipio, INCbh ha tenido varias victorias para todes los residentes y vecinos. Nuestras victorias en los últimos 4 meses incluyen:
Preparamos el primer Informe de Diversidad en Berwyn Heights 2022
Encabezamos la supervisión de los fondos ARPA liderada por la comunidad
Aseguramos el proyecto de evaluación de necesidades de la comunidad a través de una asociación con la Facultad de Salud Pública de UMD
Abogamos por asistencia en inundaciones de aguas pluviales para residentes a través de los fondos de ARPA
Recaudamos fondos para las familias más afectadas por las inundaciones repentinas de agosto 10, 2022
GRACIAS! THANK YOU - to councilmembers (FY2022) Hemby, Menjivar, and Brittan-Powell for your votes to ensure these wins
Where is Berwyn Heights, MD
Berwyn Heights, is a town in Prince George’s County Maryland, with a land area of 0.7 square miles. Diversity and ethnic cultures are deeply rooted in the Indigenous land that was once home to the Anacostanks, and the Algonquian culture, along a river tributary, now called Indian Creek, including what is now the Town of Berwyn Heights.
Donde esta Berwyn Heights, MD
Berwyn Heights, es un municipio en el condado de Prince George Maryland, y tiene un área geográfica de cubre 0.7 millas cuadradas. La diversidad y las culturas étnicas están profundamente arraigadas en esta tierra nativa de indígenas que una vez fue el hogar de los Anacostanks, y la cultura Algonquina abordando el arroyo hoy llamado "Indian creek" y en lo que ahora es el municipio de Berwyn Heights.